Monday, May 18, 2009

interesting saturday

This past saturday was... interesting.

We started off with an ENM run (yay... galatia...), and proceeded to do Nyzul. Synergy was at floor 10, so we started there. We were able to do floor 10-25 with 4 tags. Things ran extremely well. We had to redo a 21-25 floor set due to unlucky conditions- the worst of which was a chariot family kill. We simply cannot kill those fast enough. Lamps+gear floors are also terrible. Regardless, it was a very smooth run, and Synergy appears to be exactly what we need.

Great start to Saturday, then we moved on to our planned KS99 run. We did some runs 2 weeks ago, and things went alright- so we thought we would give it another shot, only with a different fight. Only 5 people from the original group were available, and /shouting yielded a fresh crop of players. This was the worst BCNM run I have ever attended. Surv went as pld (which she hadn't touched in well over a year), and I went RNG. Surv had a 15k buffer... and DELEVELED after TWO orbs. A raise put her back to 75, but we had enough at that point. Garik, the leader, is a great player, but some overzealous DDs led to a ton of MPKing.

Will have to obtain BB items some other way, I suppose.

Exp Static update:

Surv: 47DRK
Simkiel: 68MNK
Circa: 59RDM

I have 13 levels left until Maat's Cap! Huzzah!

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