Thursday, May 28, 2009

bg is gold

There is some hilarious shit on bg. This was last month's post. This month they have a SE random response generator, which is as equally funny.

This is copypasta'd from bg:

Exerpts from the book of Brady

Yea, let us begin. Praise Brady. Thank you all for coming today on this day of worship of the mighty Brady. Amen. Today we shall read from the Book of Brady. Yea, let us begin.

From the Book of Red Mage, chapter 2: Lo, and Brady said unto the Vana'dielites, 'Thy Mages of Red, being different in the eyes of Brady from other mage jobs, I say unto them, for I am the LORD, that thou shalt raise thy sword in the name of Brady, for you are the Warrior Mages of the Vana'dielites.' So spake Brady, who is the LORD. So hearing the proclimations, the Mages of Red went forth to melee in the name of their LORD Brady, and heeded the words of the LORD to have always need of extra Hit Points, for in his mercy, he told them so.


Turn now to the Book of Dark Knight, chapter 12. And the LORD Brady came unto the peoples of vana'diel and spake 'Yea, though thy Knights of Dark thresh thine enemies as they thresh thine wheat, thou shalt never forget that the Knights of Dark must always remember to cast their spells of Thunder upon the infidels and beasts of the land, lest they rouse the wrath of the LORD.' And so didst the Dark Knights go forth to cast Thunder, and it was good.


From the book of Warrior, chapter 2: Spake Brady: 'Behold! Thy warriors I have gifted with the support job of Paladin, so that they might always be in service to their LORD. Lo, for I have given them untold power in gifts of armor, defense, and hit points. From this time forward, all thy tanks shall be as these WarriorPaladins, and thou shalt want not of enmity control.' And the Vana'dielites rejoiced, for Brady was good.


From the book of Songs: Spake Brady unto the Vana'dielites, 'Thou shalt not always treasure conformity, for yea unto the Bards who are also Theives do I bestow my blessings, for I am the LORD. Though they be not as powerful in their support of others, yea, they bringeth untold treasures unto us all.' And the Vana'dielites rejoiced, for Wind Crystals were in abundance, and the LORD Brady was good.


From the book of Nots: And the ground shook with Brady's wrath, the clouds darkening with his malice at the arrogance of the Vana'dielites. Seventen trumpets blared in the sky with the sound of thunder, and the LORD Brady's voice, filled with wrath and ruin, thundered across the plains. Spake He: 'Ruin upon thy houses! For it is written: The ninja subjob shall only be used for Agility, for its magics are feeble, its active and passive abilities are poor, and nothing good can come of its use. Thou hast defied me in this way, and thou shalt be punished for thy use of this most useless of sub jobs!' And the Vana'dielites trembled, looking in envy and fear upon the subbers of samurai and warrior.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

weekend update

Huzzah! 3 day weekend!

This weekend was very productive. Our DRK/MNK/RDM static started at level 50 on Friday, and logged off Monday night at level 61! Survive has 17 levels left until Maat's cap, and I have ~6! (will probably end up leveling Red Mage to at least 70, for an easier Maat fight). If things go well, we could end up having our caps in a few weeks! (Anniversary Rings on BST, all right!)

Surv is pretty excited, as she can see the end of our Maat's cap adventure!

After exping yesterday, Sim and I decided to break his trial dagger latent, which took less than an hour to do. Due to level sync woes, his h2h skill was under 230, and he needed a skill level of at least 250 to start the Asuran Fists quest. Beseiged got him about 10 skill levels, and we were able to get him level 250 by duoing EM-T Crawlers in Bhaflau (which took about an hour). My enfeebling skills are also horribly gimped, but I was able to get them from 180-220 by spamming dia in beseiged. After the skill up adventure, we decided to kill the Evisceration WSNM. As nin/dnc, this fight took forever- but it was pretty safe.

Monday, May 25, 2009

let me try something...♦

So about a year ago we were in Garlaige Citadel exping and the dragoon we were partying with suddenly says: "let me try something", runs out and aggros 2 bats, and dies within seconds.

This SS was taken tonight. While it was not a Dragoon, it was a Samurai with a Polearm, which is close enough in my book.

Monday, May 18, 2009

interesting saturday

This past saturday was... interesting.

We started off with an ENM run (yay... galatia...), and proceeded to do Nyzul. Synergy was at floor 10, so we started there. We were able to do floor 10-25 with 4 tags. Things ran extremely well. We had to redo a 21-25 floor set due to unlucky conditions- the worst of which was a chariot family kill. We simply cannot kill those fast enough. Lamps+gear floors are also terrible. Regardless, it was a very smooth run, and Synergy appears to be exactly what we need.

Great start to Saturday, then we moved on to our planned KS99 run. We did some runs 2 weeks ago, and things went alright- so we thought we would give it another shot, only with a different fight. Only 5 people from the original group were available, and /shouting yielded a fresh crop of players. This was the worst BCNM run I have ever attended. Surv went as pld (which she hadn't touched in well over a year), and I went RNG. Surv had a 15k buffer... and DELEVELED after TWO orbs. A raise put her back to 75, but we had enough at that point. Garik, the leader, is a great player, but some overzealous DDs led to a ton of MPKing.

Will have to obtain BB items some other way, I suppose.

Exp Static update:

Surv: 47DRK
Simkiel: 68MNK
Circa: 59RDM

I have 13 levels left until Maat's Cap! Huzzah!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Our start in Nyzul was pretty rocky. People showed up late, or were missing tags. Last Saturday we had our first real run. We did the 11-20 run with minimal effort, then tried 16-20 one last time, cause nothing dropped from Behemoth. We only got 2 floors in, due to a kill all enemies on an undead floor with a dahuk, and the next floor, we had to kill 5 chariots. Nyzul is not nearly as fun as salvage or assault. Also, not having Gren is a significant drawback.

We were able to get Sim an obow yesterday after several hours of camping. Congrats!

I've been trying to kill BLM Maat for some time now. Seems I always get resisted on one of my first 3 nukes. Not fun. Seems I suck at jobs that can use Elemental Magic.

Surv and I joined a KS99 group, looking to spend some of the seals that have added up over the years. We will see if we can get some BB items out of it.

The new dredg album, 'the parrot, the pariah, the delusion', leaked yesterday. I've been listening to it nonstop. It's awesome- not as good as el cielo, but still better than catch without arms. someone described it as 'the el cielo for people who liked cwoa'. I find that analysis fairly accurate.