Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Congratulations to all who ranked up last night! We are now T6, which is halfway done with all of the Assaults!

We also did another ENM run, but we didn't get anything to drop. We also tried the 'Shadows of the Mind' ISNM, and wiped 2/4 runs. I'm thinking we should push this back until one of us hits 75BRD, as we had too many deaths.

Sim has CoP tonight, so tonight is free. Unless anyone else has any better ideas, Thursday-Sunday will probably be solid exp, where we should be wrapping up another set of jobs (66).

I have about 95 levels or so until Maat's cap, so I am starting to draft out what I would like to do once Surv and I have completed it. 75MNK, blackbelt, and salvage are on the list, but Maat's cap is the priority at the moment. Hopefully we can get it by the summer. I know surv is working on aquiring a full set of HQ elemental staves, and I know there are some other pieces that she would like as well. Perhaps after Assaults are done we can start farming Nyzul Isle a bit. Who knows? We might just score some NM drops as well.

I recently spoke to a old LS leader, Zephir/Ventulus/Khao, who is on Diabolos. Apperently the whole crew that I used to roll with is on that server now. He mentioned something about maybe coming back to Siren eventually. It would be nice to hang out with those guys again.

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