Monday, July 13, 2009

~big update

hey diabolos!

Simkiel, Survive, and I migrated to Diabolos on Saturday, to join Grenkinne and RDMpizzaHut!

I must say, it has already been worth $25. On saturday, we merited for a short time, and kicked ass! We parsed a little over 20k/hr, and the exp just rolled in!

The shell we joined seems to be social in nature, but Gren bought a new pearl, which will be created sometime soon.

Sunday was a busy day. We started off with ENM (no notable drops), then we went to Horlais Peak, and finally got Sim his final Brown Belt item. Congrats!

Pokers and Menthe joined us for a ISNM3K run, which went very well. Congrats to Pokers on the Khroma ore!

After the successful merit party and ISNM run, I figured we could try a salvage run. While we weren't fully prepared, I figured it would at least be a good dry run. It was the first time I had ran one, so I wasn't prepared.

The run went pretty well. We farmed a few too many cells, but oh well. We were able to pop the 2F rampart, and we were able to fight SIX NMs!


Congrats to Surv!
Congrats to Menthe!

I lootwhored, netting both usukane pieces.
We will probably be doing this salvage again sometime soon, so we can explore the floor more, and hopefully get sim some of the usukane pieces.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


First the good news: I finally dinged 37 on Dancer! Subjob complete!

Still need to find a seller for Black Belt Items.

Congratulations to Sim on his Forager's Mantle from the ENM on Monday.

Monday was a disaster with TN. Ultima owned our group. Our plds did a decent job, only one was able to tank consistently well, and he died due to lack of support. I'm pretty sure the BLMs were retarded, as I saw one Manafont right after Magic Shield. If a group of 17 cant kill ultima, we have no business being there. We wiped at ~7%.

The following Salvage was equally as retarded. We attempted to farm Bhaflau Thickets. Unfortunately for our group, in order to farm Bhaflau NMs, you must pop the Ramparts. We did not see a single one. A giant 'FUCK YOU' to the douches who can't read simple battle instructions. RAGE.

Nyzul will conclude on Saturday, regardless of our degree of success.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


TN might last a bit longer than I suggested in my previous post. After an extremely long wait for limbus to start (downtime for ~3 hours), they cancelled the run. However, a SMALL group of them did SALVAGE. FINALLY, an event that I actually want to do- and we did it with 8 people. We did SSR, and the run was pretty rough, as I was pretty rusty on pulls, and it was Sim's first salvage run. We also didn't get any drops, so that didn't help at all. But at least we did a run.

I went as thf, which was pretty lame, as I'm not really geared/macro'd for it. I threw together some crap, and it sorta worked, but my damage was pretty lame. This makes leveling mnk even more important.

Sim wants to do Contaminated Colosseum for his last brown belt item, so we will probably hit that up soon.

We were able to get through floor 75 in Nyzul, so we only have 25 floors left. Synergy missed the last 15 floor climb, so he will have to make them up. Surv and I are going to Oregon this weekend, so we will resume Nyzul on the 11th of July.

As long as last night's salvage run wasn't a tease, once Nyzul wraps up, we will probably break this shell. However, it's a bit too soon to make that call. If we do break, we may reform in the fall once surv has a normal schedule. This split shift crap is severely draining her.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


This is sort of a 'thinking out loud' post.

I will probably give the TN trial period another week or so. If they continue to throw massive amounts of people at events, I don't think I will be joining. I would also like to do a salvage run with them to get a more complete perspective. If it doesn't turn out to be a good fit, then I'm thinking of expanding this shell- concentrating on salvage, and maybe expanding into low-man sea fights- namely T1 jailers, and lowman limbus. If Gren comes back to Siren, this would make this pipedream more realistic.

We would have to recruit some new members, and this would run the risk of being overly-selective. We would need about 4 people- preferably a WHM main, a BRD would be nice (although I will probably finish mine for non-melee friendly fights), and two others who have both melee and mage jobs. Also PST-oriented time zone would be preferred.

At any rate, this all depends on how TN works out.


I finally hit 71 yesterday, and Sim and I broke trial knuckles. yay! Today, sim and I will go kill the WSNM, and start on breaking sim's destroyers.

Surv is working crazy hours, so she will probably only be able to play weekends.

Salvage on Saturday will hopefully be a 61-80 climb. The end is in sight!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


On Monday, Simkiel and I attended a Limbus run with TwilightNocturne/SuperDuper.

Took awhile to gather together- actually took longer than the run itself. I was sort of surprised that we did the run with 18 people, instead of breaking into two groups. With 18 people attacking a mob, there isn't a whole lot of information that can be gleaned. Sounds like this group has fun socially, but I couldn't tell how skilled they were. I really hope there isn't 10+ people on salvage runs.

Unfortunately, I learned virtually nothing about TN/SD, other than they can throw 18 people at mobs in an easy limbus and win. Anyway, we still have time to learn during the trial period.

Monk has been... interesting. I was able to get 66-70 pretty quickly, but once I hit 70, I've been hit with some crappy parties. I think I'm 10k tnl, and its taken 6 parties to get 24k. Hermes' sandals are nice- finally get some movement speed!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Maat's Cap: O

Maat's Cap!

After ~3 years, Surv and I finally obtained the cap!

Surv had a day off of work, and was able to finish BST and DRK in one day! (despite getting in a party with a douche brady-guide thf: nice poof pants)

Thanks to Sim for getting the last ~4M exp with us.

We also applied to TwilightNocturne for some endgame activities.

I will be working on the last 9 levels of MNK, getting DNC to 37 (which I think might actually be fun), and working on merits for MNK and SAM.

Surv will be working a lot for the next 10 weeks.

It would be great to finish up Nyzul Isle- only 45 floors to go!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


hurray for level sync, anniversary rings, and bst burn pts!

The last few days have been great for bst, as conditions have allowed us to get surv (syncee) from 54-59! Sim dinged 75 yesterday on bst, congrats to him! I am at 64, meaning I only have 2 levels left until Maat's cap! That should only be one or two more bst burn parties for me!

Surv's last week as a substitute teacher is this week, so she is excited to be done with her classroom of ill-mannered, sniveling dirt children. She was able to land a summer job, so she will be in training for that on the next two saturdays. Because Nyzul Isle is on Saturdays, we will push this back to Sunday for two weeks, and just farm boss floors- as hellslayer (UK) will not be on.

I was able to destroy Maat on RDM on Sunday (I took a 18 damage Stone III), meaning BST and DRK are my only two Maat fights remaining. Oddly enough, Surv has the same two fights left as well.

After Maat's cap: Sim, Surv, and myself will probably apply to TwilightNocturne.