Monday, July 13, 2009

~big update

hey diabolos!

Simkiel, Survive, and I migrated to Diabolos on Saturday, to join Grenkinne and RDMpizzaHut!

I must say, it has already been worth $25. On saturday, we merited for a short time, and kicked ass! We parsed a little over 20k/hr, and the exp just rolled in!

The shell we joined seems to be social in nature, but Gren bought a new pearl, which will be created sometime soon.

Sunday was a busy day. We started off with ENM (no notable drops), then we went to Horlais Peak, and finally got Sim his final Brown Belt item. Congrats!

Pokers and Menthe joined us for a ISNM3K run, which went very well. Congrats to Pokers on the Khroma ore!

After the successful merit party and ISNM run, I figured we could try a salvage run. While we weren't fully prepared, I figured it would at least be a good dry run. It was the first time I had ran one, so I wasn't prepared.

The run went pretty well. We farmed a few too many cells, but oh well. We were able to pop the 2F rampart, and we were able to fight SIX NMs!


Congrats to Surv!
Congrats to Menthe!

I lootwhored, netting both usukane pieces.
We will probably be doing this salvage again sometime soon, so we can explore the floor more, and hopefully get sim some of the usukane pieces.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


First the good news: I finally dinged 37 on Dancer! Subjob complete!

Still need to find a seller for Black Belt Items.

Congratulations to Sim on his Forager's Mantle from the ENM on Monday.

Monday was a disaster with TN. Ultima owned our group. Our plds did a decent job, only one was able to tank consistently well, and he died due to lack of support. I'm pretty sure the BLMs were retarded, as I saw one Manafont right after Magic Shield. If a group of 17 cant kill ultima, we have no business being there. We wiped at ~7%.

The following Salvage was equally as retarded. We attempted to farm Bhaflau Thickets. Unfortunately for our group, in order to farm Bhaflau NMs, you must pop the Ramparts. We did not see a single one. A giant 'FUCK YOU' to the douches who can't read simple battle instructions. RAGE.

Nyzul will conclude on Saturday, regardless of our degree of success.